
1-call V: to give a name to (“I call myself John.”); to ask for or request (“They called for an end to the fighting.”)

2-can V: to be able to; to have the right to; N: a container used to hold liquid or food, usually made of metal

3-cancel V: to end; to stop

4-capture V: to make a person or animal a prisoner; to seize or take by force; to get control of

5-care V: to like; to protect; to feel worry or interest

6-carry V: to take something or someone from one place to another

7-catch V: to seize after a chase; to stop and seize with the hands

8-cause V: to make happen; N: the thing or person that pro-duces a result

9-celebrate V: to honor a person or event with special activities

10-change V: to make different; to become different

11-charge V: to accuse someone of something, usually a crime; N: a statement in which someone is accused of something

12-chase V: to run or go after someone or something

13-cheat V: to get by a trick; to steal from

14-cheer V: to shout approval or praise

15-choose V: to decide between two or more

16-claim V: to say something as a fact

17-clean V: to make pure; adj: free from dirt or harmful substances (“clean water”)

18-climb V: to go up or down some-thing by using the feet and some-times the hands

19-close V: to make something not open; adj: near to

20-collapse V: to fall down or inward suddenly; to break down or fail suddenly in strength, health or power. (“The building collapsed in the earthquake.” “The government collapsed after a vote in parliament.”)

21-collect V: to bring or gather together in one place; to demand and receive (“collect taxes”)

22-combine V: to mix or bring together

23-come V: to move toward; to arrive

24-command V: to order; to have power over something

25-comment V: to say something about; to express an opinion about something

26-communicate V: to tell; to give or exchange information

27-compare V: to examine what is different or similar

28-compete V: to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others

29-condemn V: to say a person or action is wrong or bad

30-confirm V: to approve; to say that something is true

31-congratulate V: to praise a person or to express pleasure for success or good luck

32-connect V: to join one thing to another; to unite; to link

33-consider V: to give thought to; to think about carefully

34-contain V: to hold; to include

35-continue V: to go on doing or being

36-control V: to direct; to have power over

37-cook V: to heat food before eating it

38-cooperate V: to act or work together

39-copy V: to make something exactly like another; N: something made to look exactly like another

40-count V: to speak or add numbers

41-cover V: to put something over a person or thing; N: any-thing that is put over a person or thing

42-crash V: to fall violently; to hit with great force

43-create V: to make; to give life or form to

44-criticize V: to say what is wrong with something or someone; to condemn; to judge

45-cross V: to go from one side to another; to go across

46-crush V: to damage or destroy by great weight; to defeat completely

47-cry V: to express or show sorrow or pain

48-cure V: to improve health; to make well (“The doctor can cure the disease.”); N: something that makes a sick person well (“Antibiotics are a cure for infection.”)

49-cut V: to divide or injure with a sharp tool; to make less; to reduce